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Nation of Islam

The Nation of Islam was founded in 1931 by Elijah Poole (who would later become Elijah Muhammad in Detroit, Michigan. It was tightly organized from the start, and membership boomed in the 1950's with the advent of the civil rights movement. The NOI was preaching about removing the "structures of white oppression" and rebelling against the "white devil": messages which became much more relevant during this time. In addition to this, the memberships of prominent figures of Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali also boosted membership. Since NOI preached about the use of self-defense instead of nonviolence, the movement was much more isolated from more mainstream civil rights groups.

In the 1960's membership saw a second surge, with new, more militant leaders beginning to focus on racial problems in the North. Their message that black elevation could only come through committed separation from the "structures of white oppression." In 1965 Malcolm X was assassinated, and Louis Farrakhan became the national spokesperson in 1967 as he was able to ride out the waves resulting from assassination of Malcolm X. This sect of NOI is very racist and anti-semitic, with Farrakhan even calling Hitler a "very great man" and describing Judaism as a "dirty religion"

There is another sect, led by Imam W. Deen Mohammed, the son of Elijah Mohammed, a progressive leader of NOI who encourages a nonracial approach to religion. This sect is thought to have many more followers than that of Louis Farrakhan. The teachings of Imam W. Deen Mohammad is what Nur Allah follows. Above is a picture of the Imam.


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